Warden Coroner Tirmaric


Tirmaric is a warden coroner with exceptional skill in regards to mending, shaping, medication, and prosthetics.
This sylvari is second in command to the warden captain at Brigid's Overlook, and can often be found teaching, tending to wounded, or performing autopsies.


⋅ Very capable in regards to finding cause of death
⋅ Halts physical deterioration
⋅ Develops prosthetic limbs that are graftable on sylvari
⋅ Prepares solutions that heal, or damage
⋅ Shapes plants and sylvari to enhance properties for a desired effect
⋅ Grafts to replace limbs, or add the sylvan equivalent of tattoos
⋅ Mentors those who seek to improve their mending and shaping qualities
⋅ Cooks and bakes excellently


Black with dark purple accents on his bark, bright seafoam glow and bright blue and purple leaves, Tir is sure to stand out. Usually he can be seen wearing fancy attire in natural, warm colors. The sylvari values appearance greatly and enjoys getting dressed up.
The face of the coroner is smooth, with a reptilian feel to it. In the center there are six slits, which open up when he is annoyed or smiling widely. Tir has a split tongue; an obvious alteration.
Other alterations which seem of the less voluntary sort, less smoothly as well, are his damaged hands and ears. It is clear seven of his fingers have been regrown, both thumbs and right hand index finger untouched. When seen in action, it is obvious the fingers are not as strong as they were before, and Tirmaric is noticeably aware of this. The ears appear to have been cut off halfway, and their harsh pruning is still present.
On a positive note - he wears a wedding band. In the band's body, a vine in autumnal colours is set. The exact colours of a certain warden captain.


This sylvari is serious, studious, sassy and social. He is passionate about his responsibilities and will be vocal about how he feels regarding situations he is involved in. This involves him not being intimidated by others' ranks or appearance. Although his courage is unending, Tirmaric certainly isn't impulsive. He is very communicative, and does his best to be diplomatic and welcoming to all races.
His only issue appears to be a tendency to remind others of past mistakes when they do not seem to be regretful; he remains respectful still, though is all too excellently capable of tip-toeing the fine line between politeness and devastation.
This mender seems to be a mix between Dusk and Dawn, where he has found a perfect balance of the two.


⋅ Actively advertises expertise in his notable skills.
⋅ This sylvari looks shaped and regrown.
⋅ Tir grows a unique type of cultivated parasitic plant.
⋅ These "planty anemones" are known to those familiar with Caledon Forest.
⋅ Rumour has it, this warden possesses four trees on which he grows sylvari.
⋅ That same rumour also claims sylvari grown on these trees, now walk Tyria.
⋅ Avid collector of flora and fungi.
⋅ Some say he came from nowhere when investigating the death of a shaper.
⋅ There are claims this exemplar coroner is a reformed delinquent.
⋅ Tir is second in command to warden captain Staelwyr, who is stationed at Brigid's Overlook, and is in charge of less-than-perfect wardens who require special care.
Shaped wares this person has developed can be found in a large product list which is spread across Tyria. Click here to view the list.



Darin is a professional entertainer, head logistics for Two of Cups, and manager of resources for the wardens stationed at Brigid's Overlook.
Currently, she is recharging a bit before fulfilling her Wyld Hunt involving a homicidal shapeshifter.


A warm yellow with light flowers and pink glow. Gentle lilac are her eyes.
Usually she is dressed in pastel colours, with pink and green standing out. Her clothes have lots of energy crystals attached to them, of which most are charged. They flicker in a variety of hues, and seem to have an organic feel to them.
In her right ear, set in the highest leaf, is a modest ring which matches some of the rings her husband has.She wears a wedding band laid in with diamonds in its center, and with one large bright gem sparking in all colours of the rainbow.Rarely she is seen without Ebben, her loyal fern hound.


This guardian is gentle, caring, forgiving, stubborn, and passionate. She thoroughly enjoys puzzling and learning new things, but has a tendency to -severely- overthink things.


Darin is known for having searched desperately for her true love for 5 years, only finding him when she learned the nature of her Wyld Hunt.This guardian is a frequent sight at the Grove and Caledon Forest, but certainly does venture out as well. People familiar with Brigid's Overlook will know her by face; when not trending to her paperwork at the local café, or her books at the library, she can usually be found just outside of the settlement, enjoying a break with her husband.Owning an impressive collection of books, of which a growing amount originating from elsewhere in the Mists, she lives up to rumours of her being exceptionally knowledgeable - and is always happy to share her knowledge as well.Something about her seems off to those paying attention or very sensitive to (Mists) magic - be it that she feels almost purely magical, or perhaps that she seems almost too detailed, too emphasised in her planty form.
Rumours have it she defied death, where those who know her better, may say she came back as something else. Either way, it's an interesting case with perhaps a disappointing explanation.
Anyone interested in scrolls with effects, or specialised shipping solutions, may know Darin is the person to go to. Prices certainly vary per task, but effects are instantly.



"Plant-Who-Sells-Stuff" is a warden stationed at Brigid's Overlook, mostly occupied with providing food and drink. This person takes pride in being a cook and a bartender. He is a creator of shadow constructs and graphical art, and will use his umbramancy to produce the latter. The sylvari is a shadow magic mentor who mainly teaches wardens.Perhaps different than what might be expected from a warden: Sel is an excellent bookmaker and does not often shy away from betting. He is your go-to for a gamble in Caledon Forest.


Sel is extra-extra; he is purple with a salmon glow, autumnal coloured vines and pattern, and the large and eyecatching leaves he dresses in, are bright orange and green.He has an eyepatch covering where his right eye would be, and matching it is a small device attached to his wrist. The device aids the sylvari in measuring distance between him and the world around - clearly this is to make up for his loss of depth due to being partially blinded.From his left ear hangs a bright amber hanger, with a thorned vine curling upwards from one of the bottom corners - his beloved has a matching hanger with a snapdragon.


Sel is sensitive and passionate, mischievous and proud. He is loyal to those he respects. And perhaps more than a bit paranoid. Once insulted, he will not budge or forgive unless the person who he feels hurt his honor comes forward and seeks to resolve the strain between them - preferably with a good duel. The warden is cheerful and generally interested in making new connections, yet only opens up to those he feels safe around. Through everything, he will carry on if he senses it the right thing to do.


This sylvari and his partner, Yolwaire, are frequent occurences at Brigid's Overlook and nearby regions.It is very hard living in Caledon Forest and not knowing who Sel is; Yol and he go on frequent walks with their pack of foxes, and near Brigid's Overlook they have sparring sessions where they use their elements and shadows. Often times their constructs are feline.Co-owner of Two of Cups, and the Emperor's Household - providing shaped wares and related services.*Former bartender at the Starbower Nursery in the Grove, and currently a bartender at the warden mess hall Café Caledon, where civilians can purchase wares The Emperor's Household sells.*
At this same mess hall, the two wardens are bookmakers, providing a safe environment for all interested in placing bets. These bets aren't rigged, and usually about matters like "How many kits will the foxes have this year".
Rumour has it, this sylvari cannot regrow lost bodyparts.*A list of shaped wares and services can be found here.Although Sel has recently decided to no longer work for a certain Order, he will still gladly help out any of its members if he feels it's within reason. After all, he is no stranger to "serving the unserveable."



Phyr is executive manager for the cooperation Two of Cups, which is stationed in Brigid's Overlook and led by a warden captain.Despite his position, he still delivers orders, and does go out on odd jobs to help out.


This necromancer tends to fall away in the masses, though is lighter than most when wearing homegrown armour. He does not stand out in the slightest. His pale skin has no noteworthy markings nor traits, and neither do his warm eyes, or the light blue leaves on his head. Even the soft peach glow doesn't stand out in the slightest. His leaves sparkle only a bit, and his pale ivory pollen is barely worth mentioning.One thing can be said with certainty though: he has a friendly appearance, and his face is formed by countless genuine smiles.


Phyrnome is calm, cheerful, gentle, and patient. He is honest, and generally supportive of those around - always glad to be able to help others grow. Phyr's main quality is his immense loyalty to those he cares for.


A frequent appearance in the Grove and Caledon Forest (especially at Brigid's Overlook), many would have seen Phyrnome from time to time.Quite frequently, Phyr can be spotted having lunch at the southern beaches of Ventry Bay, where he watches skale.By evening, he is a familiar appearance along the Bay as well, usually sitting in the sand while enjoying a cup of chamomile tea - naturally with a few biscuits.Most notable about this sylvari, though not really something to gossip about, is the fact he thoroughly enjoys collecting types of paper. And although not a priority - he does have sheets of parchment in his possession as well.